Flipping Lincoln Avenue: The progress continues

Flipping Lincoln Avenue: The progress continues

As we await building permits, we are doing everything we can do so we stay on schedule! Chop chop!

Above you see Lance with our contractor, Winston Whittaker and general contractor Victor Bringas. We are continuing to make edits to our architectural drawings. Because we are creating a master bedroom in what is currently the attic, it involves a lot of structural engineering. Each decision can be quite costly. So we are trying to gain as much square footage as possible while staying in our budget (which we are already out of).

Magnet or Hockey Puck?

Lucy loves to help. This was a perfect project for her - pulling nails and then picking them up with this medieval device. Take a look at this very short video.


So, the cottage that didn't need much work needed a new roof. Ugh. Here's a stop motion video of the process. Keep your eye on the roof!

Disaster of the Week

This is a pretty screwed up before and after shot

(The 'after' shot is on the right!) The is the cottage bathroom that was going to be just an aesthetic makeover. Clean it up! Upon further inspection, we realized that the plumbing for the entire cottage needed to be fixed, so up the floor went!

This is Lance with his fancy new work boots and cute garden hat.



We have a ways to go before landscaping will be installed but I'd like to get the design buttoned down and plants selected. In addition, there will be a ton of hardscaping to decide on including new or updated driveway. But first we're starting with the fun stuff.

Here is my crude sketch of Lincoln (above left) and this reference shot I found a long time ago in Sunset magazine. I thought it was a clever way to get rid of a flat, boring lawn and also to create a green "screen" in front of the house to create a little privacy. 

I've engaged my childhood friend Audrey Newell to help with the landscaping at Lincoln Avenue. She is the founder and creator of The Foxy Garden in San Francisco. She is just crazy talented. Even her rough sketches are amazing. Check 'em out. I'm so excited.